Monday, June 6, 2011

A new normal

After a great weekend visiting my dad, sisters and Lake Redstone we're back to our new normal. Cellulitis is clearing up slowly and the pain is getting less. Chemo is going really well as far as I know (hopefully its doing something). I do notice alot more fatigue with any aerobic activity, ie chasing the dog who thinks the world is his to explore. I almost fainted after I ran him down, and it took awhile to get the world to stop spinning and for me to feel good on my feet. Don't know if that was post-surgery exhaustion, chemo & dehydration or me being so badly out of shape.

Going home wasn't as hard as I worried it would be, although mom was always on my mind, I only broke down crying once. Planning a trip to the Omaha zoo this weekend, so this will be Parker's first experience with a zoo- I can't wait. I may be pretty overly protective and clingy with him there, but he's my only child and I have a right to be. Just hope that the grandparents understand and don't fight me for him. Parker loves his birdies (our two cockatiels) so I know he's going to be interested in the larger versions- penguins and flamingos.

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