He's napping well again and doing better with his separation anxiety- Now he only screams momentarily when I go into the other room. He is so smart, he knows the names of his toys, and will play fetch with the dog even. Not quite running just yet, but getting faster with is little legs every day. Trying to encourage him not to torture the dog is my next challenge.
Doctor's appointment tomorrow, meeting with the plastic surgeon again to see how the infection is clearing up. My guess is he will try to drain the excess fluid again. Took last dose of Xeloda for this month- Thank God. The side effects were really starting to get bad, no hand and foot syndrome yet, but that takes time. I'll probably back off on the dose of Xeloda to try and avoid these nasty side effects in the next cycle. Doc says the goal is to stay on the drug long term, so its really important to establish a dose that is tolerable basically forever.
Excited to go to the Omaha zoo this weekend, hopefully the weather cooperates and it does not get too hot. Got some good sunscreen for the Buddy boy (and me), and I think we'll have a great time.
Thinking about attending a metastatic breast cancer retreat in Nov in the Dells- convenient huh? I've heard good things about it and hopefully I can get some good life skills and make some friends. That's about it for now! I'll probably post again next week.
I've also inclu
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