Monday, May 30, 2011

Surgery or no surgery- that is the question.

Hopefully tomorrow when Dr Lawrence returns to round on me they'll decide that I either go home (hurray) or have surgery (okay). I'm going crazy here, all I think about is the cancer and how it is ruining my life. I think about my husband and son at home and I so want to be there with them and not here watching t.v. by myself.

Lately, I've gotten really annoyed with people that don't take care of themselves. People who eat poorly, are overweight, ignore doctor's orders, don't exercise and yet they don't get cancer! WTF, I took care of myself, I exercised, did everything right with my health- I told my doctor many times that the lump was there! Not that anyone deserves cancer, but seriously WHY ME? People you need to be responsible for your own health- if something does not seem right, do something! And please- don't complain to me about your problems.

Thanks for listening- sorry its not more positive.

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