Friday, June 14, 2013

"Hallelujah" (Psalm 150:1): two Hebrew words, generally rendered as "Praise (ye)" + "the LORD"

What more can I say but thank God for seeing me this far.  The Kadcyla is working.

Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines
My tumor markers dropped 13 points, not a ton, but just enough to demonstrate that it is working.  To all the hard working breast cancer researchers out there, all the stage IV clinical trial participants (and their families) living and passed, the doctors, nurses and technicians, thank you for paving a road for me, I am sorry that I was so impatient and frustrated with waiting.  I will try and change my perspective on "my" stage IV breast cancer to one that "is" being treated as a chronic condition.  No more whoa is me, this is just something I live with, this is not the end, I have a chronic disease of the bones.  I hope all my breast cancer sisters can get to a point where the diagnosis of metastatic breast cancer is no longer screamed but chronic disease is whispered instead.  I look forward to a world where women say... oh yeah, I had that, where statistics don't rule your life and therapies are accepted as a routine part of life. 

Part of life, my life, your life, many lives- I hope one day we can all overcome our fears.


At the Wilderness in Wisconsin Dells

1 comment:

  1. I am SO happy to hear this, and I am happy for you and your family! thank God for the continuing research. I am hoping that by the time my daughters are old enough to be testing for the gene, there WILL be a cure, and this horrible disease will be a thing of the past.
