I had a most amazing dream the other night, in which my mother told me things would be okay and I got to hug her again, and my God- it felt so real. I like to believe that she is up there in heaven fighting for me too, that she is guiding my doctor's decisions and is beside me every step of the way.
I have my monthly oncologist appointment tomorrow and chemo on Wednesday. Really really anxious about this month's lab work. I have hip and back pain once again that coinsides with the locations of my bone mets. It's not as bad as it was when I was first diagnosed with bone mets, but it definately feels very similar. However on a positive note- it does not hurt to push on it, which makes new bone met activity unlikely. So I am going to cling to that rationale, and pray that it is just achy joints from the Gemzar and Carboplatin, combined with lifting Parker, not sleeping well and not exercising. I also have this new really weird pain in my arm on the mastectomy side. The arm pain is just above the elbow over my triceps and only hurts when pressed but feels fine when I use my arm. I'm thinking that its just tendonitis from carrying Parker with that arm, as the pain is worse after a long day of lifting and carrying him. And oddly it has moved up and down my arm so I'm really thinking it couldn't be a new bone metastasis. Plus with all the lymph nodes they yanked out and the radiation, infection, etc- there has to be a good amount of scar tissue on that side. This is still weird considering this area was not irradiated or touched during surgery.
Also in honor of the Packer's recent victory, here is the next Aaron Rodgers!
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