Cool double rainbow after a good rain. |
Pretty good news from the oncologist's office, my numbers are still low, however they did do a little jig and increase 15% this last month. But overall, they are still down a bunch, so we are not worried. The next drug we'd look into would be Havalen (aka Eribulin), which is (researchers, pay attention) a mitotic inhibitor from the sea sponge. Go marine biology! How cool would it be to be one of the researchers to discover they're pet sponge could treat cancer. Well, that's pretty cool. Anyway, no reason to worry, this little jig isn't a huge deal, only if it continues to go up, but I think its going down in the long run. Based on how I feel things couldn't be better. I still can jog without bone pain, but have chosen not to because it takes such a effort to go out in the cold and isn't as much fun now that I am so de-conditioned. But come spring, or a burst of energy, I can go out an run a good mile. In the mean time I'll save my energy for running around after Parker anyway.
Getting ready for a home run! |
Almost had it, way to go Parker and uncle Eric. |
Parker in the vest I knitted him |
My wig, I love it. |
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