Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I love you Ca 27.29!

Great news- the Tykerb rash and the Hand/Foot syndrome is all cleared up for this cycle, hello 2 weeks of feeling great!!! On another note, just got the numbers back for my blood work, and sorry to say.... ummm... Mr. Cancer.....you are dying. What started out at 99, then 76 is now a tiny little 45! Normal is considered under 40, but don't get too excited yet, I will be on these drugs for a long time yet. My alk. phosphatase levels are looking better now too, which would back up the decrease in Ca 27.29. Oddly, my eosinophils are elevated- not sure what's up with that, maybe related to the rash??
Doctor's appointment today, sore throat, probably thrush from all the chemo drugs. Good times ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Reading up on your progress, and that is all wonderful news!! I am sooo very happy for your test results. The hand and foot thing sounds awful, but everything else is fantastic! The excitement of a new house and your amazing attitude are going to do wonders in beating Mr. Cancer!! Thinking of you...
