Thursday, March 14, 2013

No changes this month

In my last entry I was trying to decide if I could read my body and "know" if my current therapy was working based off how I felt, when pains came and went.  My doctor had already shot down my hope that the 30% increase in tumor markers from the previous month was probably not a tumor flare, and it was likely progression in the bones- but we had to give it one more month to know for sure.  I didn't agree with him, I had this gut feeling that this therapy was working as my bone pain was significant early on, and then suddenly went away.  

My sister and I trying on bridesmaid dresses

Well it turns out, I do know my body!  My tumor markers fell 1 point this month, suggesting stable disease for now.  I didn't actually meet with my doctor to say "I told you so", because of the snow storm and my lil' man came down with pneumonia and I might have had influenza- so it worked out perfect that we discussed my numbers over the phone and he agreed that we need to stay on this therapy, and keep TDM1/Kadcyla in our back pocket. 

Guess who loves trains

I was thrilled!  As much as I want to be on the best drug out there, I know that I need to stick with each therapy as long as possible to ensure I get all the benefit, and don't run out of options too soon.  My insurance even sent a letter saying I was approved for the 100K/year drug, phew!  So live is great! 

I've started Parker in a daycare/preschool program 2 days a week, and I'm using part of this time to  swim laps (low impact, not weight bearing) to help with my joint and bone health.  I still have joint pain in the days following my injections, but the swimming helps. 

Parker in his snow fort

Thanks to all my friends and family for all your prayers- I know God hears them and is answering them in due time.