It has been so long since I've felt like I needed to update anyone on my health- basically over the past 2 months, I've bounced around with pain and my tumor markers were pretty much unchanged (still in the 300s however). The pain was worst in my femur, a new hotspot apparently. But thanks to swimming, ibuprofen and taking it easy, it hasn't been much of a problem. But jogging was out.
I had my most recent labs drawn on Thursday last week, and the markers have now increased 15 points- which is basically mild progression. I will receive some sort of chemo tomorrow, it will probably be my choice- do I want to try the newest and best stuff? or should I wait one more month? I think due to the pains I've been having in my femur, the desire to avoid yet another big dose of faslodex (in the butt), and it being summer, a time to be out, enjoying life and pain-free, I'm going to call my doctor's office and request to be started on TDM1/kadcyla asap. I am ready to give it a try. Its scary jumping off, but I know God will catch me and ease me into a landing. I still get to keep my hair and should have less side effects than I currently do.
You may be thinking, well duh, no brainer- take the new medicine. Well its not that simple, there is a good chance the new medicine will work better than the current one, but there is also a substantial chance that it won't work at all, and the cancer could grow wildly in just the first month of treatment. In which case I could loose months of the clinical stability I have now, as we always give new drugs a few months to see if they are working. But, I have decided that don't want to just limp along anymore, I want to jump! I feel very strongly that God, thankfully, has set this drug before me, and all directions point to "go".
Thanks for coming with me on my journey. And prayers go out to all those struggling with their trials and challenges.