With the holidays approaching, I think it is important to remind ourselves of just how blessed we all are to have

loving family and friends. I am so thankful for my husband and our darling son, without them, I don't know what I would do. I am so very thankful for my physical health- I feel great and am enjoying life immensely. Although I want desperately to know that I have more time here, I am so very thankful for the time I have been given. I am very grateful to my program and my mentor for letting me graduate last Friday, it was a wonderful event.
My doctor appointment last week went fine, all my liver and kidney functions were normal! Yesterday I got back my Ca27.29 tumor marker and once again it is elevated, now to an all time high of 109. This is a 13 point increase, so I think it is safe to assume that something is going on, hopefully it is minor. Now that the initial shock has worn off, I am more determined than ever to continue to fight. And when I say fight- I mean fight fear, which is the only crippling disease from which I suffer. I must learn to trust that God is looking out for me and that

He has a plan for me too. During this Christmas season, I am reminded of Mary the mother of Jesus, who similarly faced a very serious medical situation, giving birth without modern medicine. In those days, it was not uncommon for women to die in childbirth. I know my doctor will continue to work hard to find the next drug combination and I know my body will work hard to slow the cancer's spread. So please keep us in your prayers this Christmas season. God bless.
In other news, we have moved to our new house! It was a huge job, but we are done and are

getting settled in. Parker really likes the additional space and he enjoys running around and playing ball in the basement. We also got our new pool table set up so we are enjoying that. Parker is still obsessed with pool and insists on playing either on his little table or our big table all day long. We are excited to welcome family for Christmas at our house this year, start new traditions and honor old ones.